Friday, July 13, 2012

4th of July Festivities

I am only about a week late but I wanted to tell you about my 4th of July projects. I wanted to wear something fun for the festivities and so I decided to make a dress. The decision was easy for material because this red mattress ticking popped out. It made an adorable, vintage looking dress.

And then my second project was a lovely sheet cake from Martha Stewart... It was very fun but like most Martha Stewart projects it was a challenge. If you plan to try this out Allow yourself a full day to try this out. Here is the recipe... And here is the final result! Lots of work but it was well worth it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. WOW Maddie what an adorable dress and delicious looking cake!! :)I'm HUNGRY for cake now !!

  2. WOW !!Maddie an adorable dress !!! and a delicious looking cake !!!I'm Hungry for cake !!

    P.S sorry the other comment was deleted I was trying to improve my comment :p but didn't end up happening so I wrote a new one!

  3. The cake was so much fun, Lovey... I wish you were here to have made it with me! Miss you!

  4. Hi Maddie! I just found your sweet site! The girls and I are going to be starting our first quilts too. I have to say first hand that you were the best dressed scavenger hunting girl around......and may be the reason your team won! Who could resist giving you their "old stuff". ;-) The cake was delicious and made our dessert table SPARKLE! Rainey made the cake for Catie's 16th birthday...........with pink roses and Swiss dots!

    1. Awww... She did? I'm glad y'all liked the recipe! Kudos to Rainey for making it! <3
